My Story

Hey there! I'm Siobhan, a proud mum of two amazing girls, aged 12 and 9. Who knew that motherhood would open up a world of creative organisation?!

When my first daughter came along 12 years ago, I quickly realised just how much stuff she would accumulate. Three years later, along came my second daughter, and hair accessories became a thing! But keeping those bobbles, clips, and hair bands organised was a challenge.

After countless attempts at taming the accessory chaos, I took matters into my own hands. Armed with a tea box, some paint, and ribbons, I created a makeshift organiser that worked like magic. It was a game-changer, until it eventually gave up, and I truly missed it!

The original hair accessory box made from a wooden tea box, painted in pink, with ribbons attached inside the lid and compartments for hair bobbles. It is filled with accessories and is shown against a white background

That's when inspiration struck - I realised that this nifty creation could be useful for little girls (and parents) everywhere. I dedicated myself to perfecting the design and making it available for all those struggling to stay organised in the accessory department. The struggle is real!

After a journey of trial and error, design tweaks (and a few disasters along the way), I persevered, and voilà! The ultimate hair accessory organiser was born. And let me tell you, I'm head over heels in love with this creation.

I'm beyond excited to share this hair accessory storage box with you. I genuinely hope it brings you the same joy, convenience, and sanity that it has brought me. Say goodbye to the days of frantically searching for that elusive hairpin or matching hair clips - this organiser has got your back, and it's here to make your mornings that bit easier.

So, join me on this journey of stylish organisation. Let's keep those hair accessories in check, add some flair to our little ones' hairstyles, and reclaim our bathroom counters from the clutches of clutter. You deserve a little slice of sanity in the chaos of motherhood, and this hair accessory organiser is here to deliver.